The purpose of my survey was to see if other students have trouble with Web CT. To me their is nothing more horrible than needing to upload a file last minute and having the computer tell you that Web CT is experiencing technical difficulties. My results stated that it may just be my PC and not Web CT.

I had four people take my quiz. The first question was, "How often do you use Web CT," and all four people answered everyday. The second question was a drop down question. 75% of students enjoy Web CT while 25% don't care if they use it. My third question was if students wished that their teachers used Web CT more often. 75% said yes and 25% didn't care. My fourth question was wheter the tuturiol helped students. Once again 75% had never seen it and 25% were not helped. My fifth question was how often do you have problems with Web CT. Onlly 25% have problems everyday and 75% have never had problems. 

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